Judicial Procedure of the Christchurch Metropolitan Cricket Association (CMCA)

CMCA has two levels in this procedure that deal with breaches of the CMCA Code of Conduct, the basis of which lies in the New Zealand Cricket’s Code of Conduct. In addition, and sitting under this tier, is the Complaints/Disputes process.

The CMCA Code of Behaviour provides some behavioural guidelines for players in the local competitions. This is based on the Preamble of the Laws of Cricket, which refers to both the Spirit of Cricket and the Laws of Cricket as published by the Marleybone Cricket Club (MCC).

The CMCA Commissioners, who are independent from the clubs and schools, and are appointed by the Board, hear and decide on any breaches of the Code. In the first instance, complaints and disputes are dealt with by the CMCA but any complaint/dispute may be elevated to a hearing before the commissioners.

Code of Behaviour​​​​​​​

Code of Conduct

Those players who have recently breached the Code of Conduct

 7 Mar 2020Michael DavidsonPrem LPGame into disrepute - equip abuse-on papersLetter of censureM Bond; A McCormick
7 Mar 2020Nicolaj DamsgaardHeath PremDissent to umpireSuspension until further notice-non-attendanceM Bond
10 Oct 2020Ben CameronSum ChampDissent to umpireLetter of censureR McGuire, A McCormick
17 Oct 2020Will O'BrienBWU ChampDissent to umpireLetter of censureR McGuire, A McCormick
14-Nov-20Dylan GoldstoneES Premswilful damage to fixture;  game into disreputefive days suspension (23 Nov-14 Dec)R McGuire; A McCormick
12 Dec 2020Nabin PradhanMar Har ChampsDissent to ump; abuse of battwo days suspensionM Bond; A McCormick
13 Dec 2020Ben MichelEast Shirley Div 1Bringing the game into disreputefour days suspension (up to and incl 23 Jan 2021)M Bond; A McCormick
13 Dec 2020Geoff BarclayHalswell Div 1Bringing the game into disreputefour days suspension (up to and incl 23 Jan 2021)M Bond; A McCormick
23 Jan 2021Lachie HarperSTA ChampsDissent to umpireLetter of censureM Bond; A McCormick
23 Jan 2021Gurpartap SinghRicc Cannonsbringing into disrepute-physical assaultone day suspension plus team bondM Bond; A McCormick
23 Jan 2021Lathisih MonMar Har Div 5bringing into disrepute-physical assaultone day suspension plus team bondM Bond; A McCormick
21 Feb 2021Connor WilliamsSyd Championshipbringing the game into disrepute-throwing batLetter of censureR McGuire; A McCormick
21 Feb 2021Oscar HooperSum Championshipwilful damage to fixture;  game into disreputesuspension of two playing daysR McGuire; A McCormick
13 Feb 2021Azhar HussainMar Har Div 6unacceptable behaviour-dishonesty/ racismsuspension for 7 daysI Hunt/T Mackenzie
13 Feb 2021Ahsan AzizMar Har Div 6unacceptable behaviour- racist accusationssuspension for 7 daysI Hunt/T Mackenzie
30 Oct 2021Joshua Harry JonesHeathcote PremDissent to umpireSuspensin for two playing daysM Bond; A McCormick
6 Nov 2021Hunter RoweHeathcote PremGame into disreputeSuspensin for one playing dayM Bond; R McGuire
4/12/2021Hamish Robertson Sydenham ChampsDissent to umpireSuspension for one playing dayM Bond; J Behrnes
15 Jan 2022Nabin PradhanRicc Ever Warrs Div 7Fighting; game into disreputeSuspension for 10 weeksA McCormick, Jackie Behrnes
15 Jan 2022Bibek BhandariSouth Dist Gurkhas Div 7Game into disreputeSuspension for 7 daysA McCormick, Jackie Behrnes
15 Jan 2022Bipin RaiSouth Dist Gurkhas Div 7Game into disrepute; fightingno case to answerA McCormick, Jackie Behrnes
22 Jan 2022Ammar VithodawalaOBC ChampsDissent to umpireSuspended for 1 dayA McCormick, R McGuire
28 Jan 2023Abby GerkenOBC WomenDissent to UmpireWritten CensureA McCormick, M Bond
21 Feb 2023Tyler LortanHeathcote PremiersDissentWritten CensureA McCormick, M Bond
15 March 2023Max KingRangiora HSRacial abuse1 year banDealt with by Rang HS Leadership
16-Dec-23Ben MichelEast Shirley Div 1Game into disreputeWritten CensureA McCormick, R McGuire
16-Dec-23Sam WijesingheHalswell Div 1Game into disreputeWritten CensureA McCormick, R McGuire
27/01/2023Richard FaustMP PremsGear abuseWritten CensureA McCormick, R McGuire
17/02/2024Brijesh PatelEast Shirley Div 2Dissent1 weekA McCormick, R McGuire
17/02/2024Saumil PatelEast Shirley Div 2Dissent1 weekA McCormick, R McGuire
18/02/2024Marsyle ScottHeathcoteEquipment Abuse1 weekA McCormick, R McGuire
23/03/2024Alan CuthbertsonMerivale Papanui D7Equipment Abuse1 weekA McCormick, R McGuire
24/11/2024Jawid SafiKabul LionsStiking an UmpireUntil 31/12/25A McCormick, M Bond
19/1/2025Boston (Matt) FieldingSt Albans PremiersEquipment Abuse1 weekA McCormick, M Bond
15/2/2025Tim Hampton-MateheEast Shirley PremiersVerbal abuseWritten CensureA McCormick, M Bond
16/2/2025Boston (Matt) FieldingSt Albans PremiersVerbal abuse2 weeksA McCormick, M Bond